Exposición «Out of the Labyrinth: Contemporary Mexican Ceramics» en el Northern Clay Center

Northern Clay Center
2015, septiembre 25
Sep 25 to Nov 8
Main Gallery
Opening reception: Friday, September 25, 6 – 8 pm
In the United States, “Mexican ceramics” often calls to mind pre-Columbian pottery, folk ceramics such as those created in the village of Mata Ortiz, or the beautiful majolica Talavera ware and others. Out of the Labyrinth: Contemporary Mexican Ceramics will go beyond these traditional approaches. Curated by Robert Silberman, this exhibition presented the work of established figures in contemporary Mexican studio ceramics. Artists included: Gerardo Azcunaga, Gloria Carrasco, Isadora Cuellar, Javier del Cueto, Gustavo Pérez, Maribel Portela, Eduardo Sarabia, Paloma Torres, and Xawery Wolski.
Related Educational Events
Isadora Cuellar joined Northern Clay Center as a resident artist for the month of September, in conjunction with the exhibition. During her time with NCC, she worked in the community with schools on special projects, and creating new work for the exhibition.
Paloma Torres joined Isadora Cuellar for a free lecture on Thursday, September 24, from 6 – 8 pm in NCC’s library. Pre-registration is encouraged, as seating is limited. Please call 612.339.8007 x 301 to secure your place.
Exhibition artist Eduardo Sarabia joined us in early November for a special, free presentation at NCC.
In conjunction with the exhibition, NCC’s ClayToGo program engaged in multiple partnerships within the community, including the Teen Outreach Program (TOPS) and the Gang Reduction and Intervention Program (GRIP) at Neighborhood House in St. Paul, the International Spanish Language Academy in Minnetonka, and Urban Arts Academy in Minneapolis. Participants visited Northern Clay Center for a guided tour of the exhibition, and participated in a workshop led by visiting artist Isadora Cuellar and a ClayToGo teaching artist, that took place at NCC and at the partnering organization’s site.
Related Resources
Gustavo Pérez
Gustavo Pérez, artwork and information
Gustavo Pérez Mexican Ceramicist, an interview with Gustavo Pérez
Gloria Carrasco's website: gloriacarrasco.com.mx
Paloma Torres' website: palomatorres.com
Maribel Portela's website: maribelportela.com
Javier del Cueto's website: javierdelcueto.com
Isadora Cuellar's blog: isadoracuellar.blogspot.com
Xawery Wolski's website: xwolski.com
Eduardo Sarabia
Confronting Mexico's Underbelly with Art, an interview with Eduardo Sarabia
NCC Library Resources
Art of the Aztecs by Nigel Cawthorne
Ceramic Trees of Life: Popular Art from Mexico by Lenore Hoag Mulryan
NK4031.M849 2003
Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico by Jorge Enciso
F1219.3A7 E53
La Ceramic en la Escultura/Clay Sculpture by Graciela Kartofel (in Spanish and English); contains information about five of the artists featured in Out of the Labyrinth: Gerardo Azcúnaga, Javier del Cueto, Gustavo Pérez, Maribel Portela, and Paloma Torres
NK4033.K50 2002 NCC
The Many Faces of Mata Ortiz by Susan Lowell, Jim Hils, Jorge Quintana Rodriquez, Walter Parks, and Michael Wisner
Oaxacan Ceramics: Traditional Folk Art by Oaxacan Women by Lois Wasserspring
NK4032.019 W37 2000
Pottery of Mexico, Vol. I: Pineapples of Patamban and San Jose de Gracia by Lisa Orr and Troy Lanier
VD 167
Potter of Mexico, Vol. II: Trees of Life by Lisa Orr and Troy Lanier
VD 211